Learn more about Grizzly Bears!
A list of resources to inspire curiosity, promote safety in grizzly country, cultivate action for Grizzly Bear recovery, and encourage appreciation of this iconic species!
Check back for updates.

Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative Webinars

Coexistence Recreation and Grizzly Bears in the Backcountry.

The Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative and AWARE Whistler partnered for an evening dedicated to learning about the threatened grizzly bears of the Sea-to-Sky and the ways our recreation activities impact them.

This recording features Chief Ian Campbell, Steve Rochetta, Dr. Lana Ciarniello, and Melanie Percy, who share the latest science and insights about how many grizzly bears we have, their seasonal needs, how recreation users and infrastructure impact bears and what we can do to minimize negative impacts on both bears and people.

For folks who are avid recreationalists, new to the backcountry, involved in trail or recreation groups, running a recreation based business... basically if you spend time outside in the S2S, this one's for you!

Getting to Know a Canadian Icon: The Grizzly Bear.

Grizzly bears are a fascinating and elusive presence for us here in the Sea to Sky corridor of British Columbia. Understanding more about the grizzly bear enables us to better protect their crucial habitats and to make sure that as we continue to grow and thrive, we enable them to do the same. On June 10, 2020, we partnered with AWARE Whistler to gather, (virtually of course), some of BC’s leading grizzly bear researchers to share their knowledge and answer some of our favourite frequently asked questions.

Over 90 minutes, learn about grizzly bear biology, behaviours and habitats, as well as the research methods used to learn about grizzly bear populations.

Books & Videos

Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance- Stephen Herrero

Bears Without Fear-  Kevin Van Tighem

Living in Bear Country  (dvd)

“Staying Safe in Bear Country”.
Now a free resource, a must watch for everyone and anyone living, working, and recreating in bear country. Presented by the Safety in Bear Country Society; in cooperation with the International Association for Bear Research and Management.

“Practical Advice on Living Responsibly in Bear Country.”
Want to limit conflicts with bears where we live? Watch and learn from this classic resource.
Produced by the ‘Staying Safe in Bear Country Society’. Brought to you by the International Association for Bear Research and Management.

Bear Information & Conflict Prevention

Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative: www.COASTtoCASCADES.org

WildsafeBC: www.WildSafeBC.com

Get Bear Smart Society: www.bearsmart.com

WildSmart:  www.wildsmart.ca

“How to properly use Bear Spray”- WildSmart (video): www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDgBY2PbnO4

“Bear spray demonstration for hunters”- The IGBC online (video): www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmbECUT8hG8

“How to install Electric Fencing for bears”- Grizzly Bear Solutions (video): www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqIRMavnahE

Wildlife highway corridors : www.highwaywilding.org

U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service : www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/es/grizzlybear.php

(Black Bear info) North Shore Black Bear Society: www.northshorebears.com

Grizzly Bear Research Projects

Southwest BC Grizzly Bear Project: https://www.facebook.com/BCGrizzly/

Transborder Grizzly Bear Project: www.transbordergrizzlybearproject.ca         

International Bear Association for Bear Research and Management: www.bearbiology.org 

Grizzly Bear Research Papers

From Independent Research Scientists we collaborate with:

Dr. Bruce McLellan: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=zdsZOHgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra

Dr. Lana Ciarniello: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lana_Ciarniello

Dr Michael Proctor: http://www.transbordergrizzlybearproject.ca/research/publications.html

Southwest BC Grizzly Bear Project Research:  https://www.researchgate.net/project/Southwest-BC-Grizzly-Bear-Project

Bear Organizations & Allies

Conservation Northwest: www.conservationnw.org

AWARE Whistler: www.awarewhistler.org

Pemberton Wildlife Association: www.pembertonwildlifeassociation.com

Grizzly Bear Foundation:  www.grizzlybearfoundation.com

Bear Specialist Group: www.globalbearconservation.org

Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC): www.igbconline.org

Friends of the North Cascades Grizzly Bear: www.northcascadesgrizzly.org

Hope Mountain Black Bear Committee: www.hopemountain.org

North Shore Black Bear Society: www.northshorebears.com